Monday, March 21, 2011

childhood memories

Owen came home for lunch today. He was so excited to tell us about this fun game his friend had taught him. He got a pencil and paper and began drawing lines and asking Dean questions. Like this:
Does anyone out there remember playing MASH?
We LOVED to do this, only we asked a few different questions.
He could not believe that I knew this game. Oh, the innocence of youth- always thinking they are SO much smarter than their parents (OK, most times they are).
Have you ever had a blast from the past moment at your house? I wanna hear about it. I always love a walk down memory lane.

PS Bruce just told me he has no recollection of ever playing MASH. Really?!? And he grew up in the 80's?
FYI: He's going to live in a house, be a doctor, have 4 kids and own a Segway when he grows up!


dkstewfam said...

I, too, have never played MASH. You guys must teach us how! We are always up for a good game! Love the new blog look. Strong work!

Karyn said...

I remember playing that game with my friends and as I recall it was very amusing.

Brian and Emily said...

Oh my goodness, I played that game too! MASH!! So FUN, I definitely need a reminder of how to play, but some of it is coming flooding back!!!

finchesnest said...

I remember that! Morgan was doing it last year too. I also love it when my kids come home with a "new" joke, but I still remember the punch line. Ha Ha