Monday, June 4, 2012

We lead such exciting lives!

The pictures are not in order, but when you lead such exciting lives as the Stew Crew, you can forgive such minor details! I hope anyone who reads this can hear my sarcasm :)
 Saw this sign as we left the hospital on Saturday. We have another new nephew! He's awesome and his mom is a rockstar!! Welcome to the family, baby.
 We LOVE ice cream. It's a terrible addiction....terribly delicious, that is! Bruce and I chose safe blends of cheesecake with strawberries and white chocolate with strawberries. Owen's usual (yes, we have it often enough that we all have our "usual" fare) is birthday cake with gummy bears, but Saturday he ordered strawberry with Nerds. But Dean...he's the X Factor, the Connoisseur of the cream, the blender of bold flavours... He really reminds me of Remy (aka Little Chef) from Ratatouille. He had key lime with blueberries. Now, that may not sound entirely daring, but I just love how Dean tries all kinds of flavours. I don't think he's ever had the same kind twice. I think he'll be a chef... or a pilot (he's also very methodical!)
 Ever wanted to get outta Dodge (or wherever you live), but you knew you couldn't? This was my boys way of getting me to Montana! We had a fun Friday night date, until a little boy pulled the fire alarm! Even then, it was a bit humorous.
How lucky am I to have these handsome boys in my life?! They love athletic wear. A few years ago, Bruce read the book "Sneaker Wars" about the Dassler brothers and their EPIC, HUGE family rift as they started rival shoe companies, PUMA and ADIDAS. These 2 know they can wear the clothes, but they better not fight or they'll have one angry momma to deal with!

We also played basketball at the Church gym and perused Chapters. I saw this mantra. I love it.

The local landmark got a new facelift. Snapped this on Sunday morning. It's for someone named Lynz, but I think they'd share it with our Roxy.

1 comment:

Heather said...

love the pic of bru at the hospital, at first I thought it was him at a conference, I totally wondered where he had just been, because of your "we lead such exciting lives!!" haha