Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Saw this cute video and had to repost it. To all the dads out there, happy day! I love my dad and the dad of my kids. 

We celebrated with homemade, choose your own adventure PIZZA. (sorry, no pictures) Bruce knew today would be a busy day for me and kindly suggested that over lasagna or ribs (his 1st and 2nd loves). Gotta love a guy like that! Immediately, I knew that called for theme meal: fruit pizza for dessert. Delish!
A dad and his boys....
 A young friend of ours makes and sells pencil toppers with half of that money being donated to the Alberta Children's Hospital. Bruce is a big softy when it comes to stuff like that (difficult to tell through his thick skinned, manly physique!). Instantly I knew of a one of a kind Father's Day gift. Can you guess what movie he loved?
 Obvious headline of the week:

1 comment:

dkstewfam said...

You have to teach me how to post a You Tube on my blog. I loved it!

Happy Father's Day Bruce! You're doing a great job with that fantastic wife of yours!