my fingers are stiff and cold and barely working, but i just had to tell you...we're FREEZING here!!! (Sorry to those of you who may be thinking of vacationing/moving here... you know who you are!) Can I just say when the weatherman woke me up this morning and said "It's a frigid -38 degrees Celsius, and with the windchill it feels like -50" I wanted to throw the blankets over my head and settle in for a long winter's nap!! They say it's gonna get warmer, but we'll see about that. Don't get me wrong. I'm a seasoned veteran of cold Canadian winters, but this is a bit ridiculous.
So, to brighten my day I am having a little giveaway. (I've never done one of these, nor entered a blog giveaway, so this should be fun) Whoever comments with the correct answer to my question will get a surprise from me in the mail (it'll be worth it, I promise) In your answer, you must name the movie and who said this quote..
"Welcome to the Himalayas"
Stay warm....
1 year ago