Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mother in Law For $200, please, Alex.

My mother in law is one of the smartest, most interesting- and interested- people I know. She is always learning and teaching us about, ...well... anything and everything. I can only best her in the pop culture category in Jeopardy :)
Case in point: Tonight we had a "trial run" Christmas dinner.  She was trying out a new method to cook turkey. No sooner do we enter the house and I hear "Merry Christmas. Who wants to see the spinal cord?"
Classic. She is the best. And we're smarter and better people because of her.


Heather said...

Oh how I love this! I'm glad you documented it! I agree I love mom's love of learning!!! plus I thought the turkey was divine, and we've eaten a lot of turkey in our life!

Brian and Emily said...

She is one amazing woman. I have always thought so, you are lucky to have her in your life. Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!